Sunday, April 17, 2011

Turning the First Hull Over

For the catamaran homebuilder turning over the hull is a historic moment. It marks the completion of the hull exterior. The only work that needs to be done is the interior furniture which is normally wood works.
I had given my hull a two pot mixture International Polyurethane paint. The purpose of the paint is to hide off quite a bit of imperfections. Of course from a distance of 50 ft the hull looks reasonably fine but if you were to go near you can see all the scars!
But unfortunately there had been quite a lot of rain this year. Only the last two weeks that we see some drier weather.
The position of the low aspect ratio keels had to be marked on the bottom of the hull so that I don't have to struggle under the boat to mark it later on.

First of all the cabin had to be relocated to another part of the garden so that the hull can be inside the shed.

There were some workers in a nearby constructions and I also rope in my neighbours that runs a fish farm behind my house to help.

A total of 8 persons were required to carry the hull. As you can see from this photo, the hull looks big.

Now got to start working on the construction of the second hull. I hope to complete it in 6 week's time.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Our Son Alwin scores 10 straight As.......

Well the SPM results are finally out and Alwin scored As for all the subject that he took.He had always been in a take it easy mode so I don't know if it was luck or effort or just pure intelligence!
But one thing is for sure..he spends a lot of his time playing Warcraft online. I bet he must be a General by now with all the hours in front of the screen.
See he is so happy that he thinks he can fly.

However it will take him many more years to be in the left seat of a flying machine. Right now he is in taylor's College doing his South Australian Matriculations after which he wants to do Chemcal engineering as his first degree. Hopefully he can get a scholarship to do his course overseas

As you can see from this video, his mother laughed the loudest!